On Wednesday we went to the Beehive and the Parliament House. We walked around in the Beehive and met this lady Erin. She showed us around the Beehive and the Parliament House. Jacinda Ardern works on the highest floor. After she showed us around the Beehive we went across to the other side to the Parliament House. The Debating Chamber was inside the Parliament House which the Queen isn’t allowed to pass the red carpet, so she isn’t allowed in the Debating Chamber. After that we went to the National Library to see the Treaty Of Waitangi, but sadly the real treaty wasn't there so we were going to go there the next day. Once we were finished there we walked to the Cable Car and drove up to the other Cable Car up the hill, it saves us from walking up so many hills.
I am a student at Bay of Islands College in Kawakawa, New Zealand. This is a place where I share my learning.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Second Day of Wellington
The next day in Wellington we drove to the lookout to see the whole city. After that we went to Te Papa and explored everywhere. The Gallipoli exhibition was the best part because of the giants which gave me a fright when we first walked in. I enjoyed looking at all of the Gallipoli exhibition because they looked so real. After exploring Te Papa we went to the Zoo. Once we got there a man showed us around the zoo for 45 minutes talking about the animals, what they eat, what they do during the day, night and what the workers do for their jobs. After them talking to us we went into our groups so that we could explore the zoo.
First Day Of Wellington
Last Monday Mrs Lindsay and three adults took the year 7&8s down to Wellington on camp. We started our day off with a karakia at school before hopping on the road. We left school about 9.30 to travel down to the Auckland airport. The funniest thing on the plane was me squeezing Muscles arm because it was my first time on a plane. Once we arrived in Wellington we hopped into two different vans and drove to Te Herenga Waka Marae because that's where we were staying. Once we got there we had people powhiri us into Te Herenga Waka Marae. After the powhiri we went to grab our bags out of the van and made our beds. Then we went for a walk up the street to this cool park.
Lucky for us we only had to pay $50 for $17,000 just to go to cool place in Wellington. I would like to say a big thank you to our principal for taking us down to Wellington and a big thank you to all the parents that transported us down to Auckland and back.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Felling exited for Wellington
Kia ora bloggers.
In term one the year 7&8 plan to go to Wellington for our school camp. Since then we have been working so hard to make $1700 to go. We have been busking every cruise ship that has come into Paihia and normally we make about $500. Everyone who’s going to Wellington has to pay $50 to go so that we are helping to pay for the trip. Everyone is very excited to go because some people haven't been to Wellington or on a plan. We are leaving next Monday and coming back next Friday. We are allowed to bring $25 to spend while we are there.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Rugby World Cups.
In the past week we have been learning about the Rugby World Cup. First we had to find out which 20 counties are competing in the World Cups. Then we needed to find out what each country's Rugby team’s nickname is. Afterwards we had to find out what their emblem is and find a picture of it. What I learnt was who the 20 countries are and who competes at the world cup. I also learnt that Japan is also known as the land of the rising sun.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Terrific tips to keep you safe in and on the water.
Yesterday Tracy from swimsafe came to Paihia School and explained to us about boat safety and swim safety. I learnt these five safety rules about swimsafe and boat safety; one of them was to wear a life jacket when you go out on boats and always have an adults supervision when you go swimming. Next time I go out on a boat I'm going to check the safety gear and the weather. I always tell an adult where I am going and I make sure I don’t swim alone.
I don’t always have an adult supervising me when I swim at Waitangi but I always have an older sibling or cousin.
Do you always have adult supervision when you go swimming.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
In Te Ngahere for the first day back at school we did a STEAM challenge and we made a tower only made out of two sheets of newspaper and a 30 cm piece of tape. We were learning to make a free standing tower with limited materials. When we got into our groups we were thinking of a way how to make our tower with only two things in 20 minutes. Five minutes later we finally thought of a way how to make our tower. The base of our tower was big so that it had more balance, and then we made the top of our tower long and pointy. Finally time was up, so we went down to the mat to measure our tower. When the teacher measured our tower it was up to 95 cm tall. What my group and I did well was collaborating with each other about how to make a wide and stable base for it.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Kaikohe Festival
This Thursday, the Paihia School Kapa Haka roopu went to the Kaikohe Cultural festival to represent Paihia School. Paihia School hasn't been there for 18 years. When we got there it was nearly time for us to perform, so our tutors gave as information about what was going to happen because our actual performance was different from the dress rehearsal. While there was another performance happening we were waiting for them to finish so we could perform on stage. After a while we were called on stage to perform. It was very scary as we got on stage because my Aunties, Uncles, siblings and parents were watching my group and me. What I think I did well was lots of smiling. What I need to work on next time is slowing down my karanga. I learnt self discipline and not to be shy as I perform.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Cross Country
Last Friday a group of students participated in the inter school cross country. The first runners were the five year old girls then the five year old boys. Once the 5 year old kids had finished running the 12s & 13s ran after them. I was excited because that was the age I was running with. When the lady pressed the porn everyone started running. When we got closer to the hill it started raining, but I just keep pushing myself though the rain and up the hill. I began to run down the hill, reaching to grab branches on my way down so I didn't face plant. I finally ran down the path that leads down to the finish line. Everyone was cheering me on as I ran, it made me so proud. I came in 2nd place in the inter-school cross-country; a girl from Kawakawa came first. I was proud of her because she gave it her best. Sorry there are no photos.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Once a fortnight, Paihia School is lucky enough to have a wonderful lady named Gina, she is apart of a energy program. Gina has been talking to us about healthy eating, she also talks to us about how much fat and sugars are in food and drinks. On Tuesday she talked to the year 7&8 about how much sugar is in drinks. I've learnt that there are 20 teaspoons of sugar in E2 and 10 teaspoon of sugar in coke. She laid out three cards saying all the time, sometime and occasionally. She would ask as where amount of drinks will go. She talks to schools because she wants to get kids to be more healthier.
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Cross Country.
Last week on Friday Paihia School had Cross Country at Bledsloe Domain. We all ran in our ages for example, the 5 year old boys ran first then the 5 year old girls second. My friends and I was excited when the day came because the last time we ran there was last year. We were so lucky because it wasn't raining while we were running. When it came to our turn, we were thinking if we should run fast or jog. We started to joged at the beginning then once we went up the hill we ran faster. I liked running down the hill because it gives me a boost. I felt proud of myself at the end because I finished the race and I came in first. We all had fantastic day.
Monday, September 2, 2019
Quick Rip
Last Term there was a group of students that volunteered to play Quick Rip in Kerikeri. We had been practicing mostly every day of that week, because we had a tournament the next week at the rugby club in Kerikeri. There were only 11 players that wanted to play. We were all excited when the day came because we got to play against other people from other schools. We played three games, we won two games and lost one game, but it was ok because it is all about having fun and working as a term.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Te Reo
In week 4 Te Ngahere have been learning about how to ask a question and answer a question in Te Reo Maori. When I finished learning about that my babbie Imogen and I made a slideshow asking each other a question and answering the question. We had to take photos of 10 items in the classroom off the ipad. Then we had to add it to our slide show and add speech bubbles asking and answering the questions. After that we had to screencastify the slideshow while we were talking.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Cross Country.
This Friday week 6, all of Paihia School students are competing in the Paihia School cross country at Bled sloe Domain. We have been practising most days at our school on the field. I am so impressed with my time because last week on Thursday my time was 12.14 and on Friday I got 12.08. I am looking forwards to this Friday because I want to make it in the finals at Waikare.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Orientation Day
This Thursday the year 8s are going to visit Bay Of Island Collage for orientation day. We all can't wait to meet other people from different schools. Some people are nervous to go because once you walk into Bay Of Island College it is huge. The reason how I know its huge because there were 4 students from Bay Of Island College that came to Paihia School to talk with the year 8s about Bay. There was someone that talked about how huge it was. Hopefully I met heaps of people because once we start next year I could hang out with them. I have also got lots of cousins and one big sister that goes there, so I could hang out with them too.
Science Fair
For the past Eight weeks Te Ngahere has been learning about science experiments. We had a choice to be in groups, my group was Nikara, Breeze and Mihipeka. Our experiment was which pen brand lasts the longest (PaperMate, Homebrand, Bic and OfficeMax.) Our pieces of equipment were the four branded pens, 1.13 metre paper, 1m ruler and another pen to mark. On the second day of ruling lines with our pens we started getting sore hands. Last week on Friday we had a science fair exhibition. There were judges that judged your experiment. My group and I came second, so we made it into the KeriKeri Science Fair.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Cross Country Training
For the past week in Te Ngahere we have been training for Cross Country. We had to run two laps of our Field, Pump track and Court. I think I've improved my time from when we first started running to now because my first time was 8.00 minutes, then 5.20, and our recent run I got 4.54. My focus is to try and bet my other scores. Next time I think that I shouldn't eat at lunch time because I always get big stitch when I run. My friend and I have found ways to get rid of stitches while we are running.
The NED show
Today Paihia School was lucky enough to have a special lady named Nicole. She came to talk to us about how to find our Mindset and grow. While she was talking she was doing some amazing tricks with her yoyos, she had a lovely friend named Ned. Ned stands for Never give up Encourage others and Doing your best. My favourite part of the show was when she was doing lots of amazing trick also when she was doing magic out of the hat.
Friday, July 5, 2019
Staying Safe Online.
The year 7&8s were learning how to be safe on the internet. That means staying safe on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Twitter, Snapchat, Hang Out, Youtube and so on. We were learning about things that you're not meant to share online. Information your not meant to share online is, where you live, what school you go to, who your parents are and your mailbox number. What I learnt was to never share any of my photos to anyone besides close family and friends.What I enjoyed was learning things about what to share online so that I and others can be safe online. What I did well was listening to what the teacher said and I was interested in the topic.
Monday, July 1, 2019
Maromaku Sports Day

Last week on Friday a group of year 7 & 8 students participated in the Maromaku netball team. We played against 5 schools, the schools we played against were Opua, Whangaruru, Whananaki, Kartu and Kawakawa. We won against Opua and Whangaruru and we lost against Whananaki, Karetu and Kawakawa. What we did well was working together as a team, sharing the ball and talking to each other.
Thursday, June 13, 2019
At The Disco
Last night Paihia School had our disco, it was really fun because it was a glow in the dark fair. The PTA sold drinks, lollie bags and also hot food, I bought nachos because they had run out of hot dogs. There was also a photo booth. My friends and I took lots of posing photos, I really enjoyed hanging with my friends. My cousin Zhynailyah sang Tennessee Whiskey, she was good because she could hit the high notes in the song.
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Taku Whanau
During the last couple of weeks in Te Ngahere we have been learning about Taku Whanau. Taku Whanau is when you are introducing your family to others. Our WALT is to learn new kupu to use for creating something to show others our whanau. What I learnt was how to put things into order in Te Reo, but it was challenging because you had to understand what the Maori kupu mean. What I enjoyed was helping people once I was finished my work. What I need to do next time is work a bit faster so I can help more people.
Friday, June 7, 2019
On Wednesday the year 7&8's went to technology in Moerewa. The year 7's were in cooking class and the year 8's were in woodwork and hard materials class with Mr E. I have been making a 50th key for my Papa. It took me two days to finish off the key. What I enjoyed was making the 50th key because I got to use all the materials. I can't wait till I give his key to him because I know he will love it.
Thursday, June 6, 2019
This week in Te Ngahere we have been learning about how to be kind to ourselves and others. We learnt that we had to wave and smile to others, because it will make them feel happy, once someone in my class waved and smiled to a parent she came and told our teachers that
”your kids are so beautiful because they are waving and smiling to me it was so cool.” That's what they have been learning to do. I enjoy waving and smiling to others because they wave and smile back. One thing you have to remember is it doesn't cost anything, you just get wave back with a smile. Next time I’ll teach more people to wave and smile to other.
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Kapa Haka

Last week the Kapa Haka roopu performed at Kawakawa School. It was cool watching other kapa haka groups perform because it made me entertained. After each Kapa Haka group performed there were amazing songs to dance to as we were waited for the other roopu to go on stage. We felt so happy after we performed on stage. We have another performance coming up in Kaikohe, so hopefully we will enjoy ourselves like last week.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Since Last week the Kapa haka Roopu have been practing every morning tea and Lunch time so that we could go to the cultural festival in Kawakawa. What we have to pratise is facials and action. We are all exited to go and we are hoping to have a good day watching everyone performing kapahaka and dancing.

In week two Te Ngahere had a spelling test. We had to spell about 50 or 70 words in half an hour over 3 days. On the paper it would have list 1 to list 8. Once the test was over the teachers would check to see if we got them right but I got some wrong. It was ok because if we got some wrong we would learn. The point of spelling is to spell words and to in inprove my writing.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Marble Run
During the last couple of weeks Te Ngahere have been learning how to make a marble run, also known as a ramp. We were allowed to use anything, so my group and I decided to use an ice cream container, a math book and a marble. We also had a measuring tape to measure how far you got up to, you have to roll your marble down your ramp and measure it and see if you got up to 110cm. You have to remember to measure the ramp not where you put your marble. One of the things that I have learnt was to change one variable at a time.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Basic Facts
During the last couple of weeks Te Ngahere was been learning their basic facts. People that has finish all of their basic facts they will be having a challenge with our princerble at the end of this term. If they beat the princerble they get an cool prize. I have learnt my 2x 5x 10x 11x and I am learning my 3x 4x and my 9x I will be get tested today for my 9x and 4x I hope that I get pasted them. I think that I have to learn my basic fact faster.
In Te Ngahere the year 7 & 8s went to technology last week on Wednesday at Moerewa School. The year 7s were in a different class then 8s, the year 7s were doing wood work with Mr E and the year 8s were doing cooking with Whaea Dot. We made healthy strudels, what we had to do was get our ingredients ready for after interval. When intervil was over we started making our strudels. What I need to work on is making my strudels faster and what I did well was listening to our cooking teacher.
Last week in Te Ngahere we were making catapults. Our challenge was to design a catapult with 9 marshmallows, 8 long bamboo sticks, 4 short bamboo sticks, 1 plastic spoon, 2 rubber bands and 15 masking tape. The other challenge was to see how far you can sling shot your marshmallow. I think my group and I have work well together because when ever someone gets lost they would ask for help and we would help them.
This week in Te Ngahere we have been learning about how to be kind to ourselves and others. We learnt
that we had to wave and smile to others, because it will make them feel happy, once someone in my class
waved and smiled to a parent she came and told our teachers that
that we had to wave and smile to others, because it will make them feel happy, once someone in my class
waved and smiled to a parent she came and told our teachers that
”your kids are so beautiful because they are waving and smiling to me it was so cool.”
That's what they have been learning to do. I enjoy waving and smiling to others because they wave and
smile back. One thing you have to remember is it doesn't cost anything, you just get wave back with a
smile. Next time I’ll teach more people to wave and smile to other.
That's what they have been learning to do. I enjoy waving and smiling to others because they wave and
smile back. One thing you have to remember is it doesn't cost anything, you just get wave back with a
smile. Next time I’ll teach more people to wave and smile to other.
Last week in Te Ngahere I have been learning doubling and halving, our learning intention was to solve more complex multiplication problems using doubling and halving. I think I did well at writing equations to show what I learnt. I need to work on solving harder equations using doubling and halving. Next time I need to work on making my DLO faster.
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