Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Renegade Hockey

 Today I would give myself  a  5/5 for effort and participation  in this training because…. playing with other people that isn't usually in your class can be a bit weird because you would have to find new people to hang out with.

The team I am in is called: ??? The team that I got put into is called the Bubble Guppies.

I’m proud that I improved….  I'm proud that I have improved how to block people from intersecting with the ball and that I’ve improved helping others in my class like this new girl named Sophie.

Something I found challenging… Something that I have found challenging is trying to make new friends in our class. the reason why we are put into other classes is because the year 9 and 10's have jump start, which is when we move up a year level.

Something I really enjoyed was… Something that I have enjoyed today is playing a game with others and having fun which is the most important thing in a game.